Incredible amounts of rain
Living in Motel in Sherman Oaks
Freelance work
Incredible help from family moving, packing and cleaning Sherman Heights house
Cat boarded with Joe & Meg
Earthly possessions in 25 foot truck
Twenty-five foot truck driven to LA
Twenty-five foot truck driven to Simi Valley
Freelance work
Job interviews
Hiring of day labor (Marcus and Mario) unloading earthly possessions
Earthly possessions in storage in Simi Valley
Staying in motel with many loud, “unique” guests
Job accepted
Job starting Monday
New motel sought for next week
Apartment with less “unique” guests
Truck returned to Thousand Oaks
That’s a partial list. Thanks for your patience and encouragement, everyone!
four comments...
Woo, I’m tired just looking at all that – congrats on the new job!
joe, your a web developer, please fix your layout, i’m getting tired of having to scroll all the way down past your sidebar to see the first entry
arrgh, and where’s the preview button?
i normally don’t type “your” for “you’re”
oh well…
Congratulations on the new job! And for everything going so swimmingly! 🙂