As long as you have good fundementals – how inheritance, runtime polymorphism works, the diff between classes and objects, etc… MVC is not so hard to grasp. Think back to the old “traffic cop” analogy from way back. MVC is not that different, it just does things using objects and message passing instead of switch statements and passing strings around.

personally I find MVC to be a bit overblown for a lot of tasks. I really like the event-driven programming in ASP.NET which basically allows your views to talk directly to your model without worrying about how to dispatch the method calls around. Also, .NET kind of has a built-in controller which makes MVC a little troublesome. The article you posted above seems to have a whole lot of complexity around something as simple as a master-detail grid.

Look around the Struts community and you will see a lot of people who are not happy with MVC because it implements a lot of complexity. But as a pre-made app framework it definitely has it’s value.