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January 2, 2007
Three posts
Daily Links
Open the Future: An Eschatological Taxonomy How will the world end? (((I don’t see “Fire” or Ice”))) (tags: via:rc3 futurism future scifi) Dreaming in Code (tags: programming books history opensource development) The 40 Essential Gamecube Games » Geek Idiot (tags: games gaming gamecube) leahpeah » meg hourihan of megnut fame, leah does it again snagging...
Retail Receipt and Bag Checks
It’s fascinating what you find reading threads on where to buy electronics parts in the Bay Area — here’s a sub-thread about the door checks conducted in places like Fry’s or Best Buy — you know the ones, where you show your bag and they run a pink highlighter over your receipt. I had never...
Is it because I bought less than 10 CDs last year?
Ouch. The Long Tail: 2006: The worst year for hit albums since 1983: What does it say about the music industry that the soundtrack to what was originally a Disney afterschool TV special was the bestselling album in the country last year? Related with a vengeance: Tower Records declared bankruptcy last year.