I believe I mentioned that several months ago I sold San Diego Blog. I’ve not talked about it much, but it’s bearing fruit for the new owners — for starters San Diego Blog got a Facelift, and so did San Diego Bloggers.
Really wonderful to see these things that languished (owing to my move to Simi Valley) over the past two years get going with some energy and style!
Rock on San Diego Blog Stuff!
one comment so far...
Hi Joe,
Glad to hear you’re in approval of what we’ve done with things so far. Having to balance these projects which were the result of an unexpected opportunity, is/was a little difficult with the regular workload, but we’re doing our best to clean and polish things and work on features, etc.
We have to fix it, because the move from testing to live server broke something, but one feature that I think is really cool is that all the San Diego blogs which are submitted to the new directory (the old list is here http://sandiegobloggers.com/1999-2003-san-diego-blogs.html, and I have no idea why that filename is 1999-2003… probably a little websandiego cross-polination of the mind while I wrote the page alias) that have an RSS feed URL submitted will become available on our RSS Feed Mashup creator http://sandiegobloggers.com/blog-directory/mashup.php. That means that anyone can come, pick the blogs which they like, enter their email (only used in conjuction with their feed URL later if they want to edit their custom feed) address and wallah! they get ONE single feed which aggregates all of those blogs. Again, this has to be fixed but it’s pretty neat. They can then go back, enter their email address and their custom feed URL and deselect and/or add more feeds at a later time.
You may notice that WSD is also new and (I feel) improved, but the business directory is undergoing major modifications so I’m sure it’s looking pretty ugly. Once it’s all done, things will work (like the calendar of events, and there are some things that should appear in the header that are commented out, etc, etc).
So, my gut feel is another 2 weeks of design/dev/fixes and we’ll be to the point where the efforts can be to promote, grow the content, and increase off-line participation/networking benefits of the various groups. I’ve been attending refreshsandiego.org’s meetings and they have some great people involved such as Phelan who is very motivated. I’m hoping to find a way to harness each others’ strengths to improve their group as well as web san diego’s.
Anyways, thanks for the nod… hope things continue to improve!