This a major upside of a more coastal commute. The ocean abides. Sometimes there are surfers. The water temperature is about 64°. Maybe I’ll try and go in soon. Chilly but good. Lots on my mind. Tyler graduated yesterday from 8th grade. Devon graduated from High School. Leah has photos. Monday my mom will have CyberKnife surgery. Looks awesomely like something from Logan’s Run or maybe James Bond. The intent is to work on the tumor on her brain stem. Yesterday she had a kidney biopsy. I’ll be flying back to Roanoke (it’s the city, not the island) next month. I went biking the other morning and it was really great.
All is well, scary as things are.
Thanks for the well-wishes. And if you get the notion, think of my mom when you say your prayers, futile as some of you may find that to be.
three comments so far...
prayers of any kind are never futile…. that cyber knife thing looks like the gamma knife thing Debby had:
It was a long exhausting day, though the actual procedure was very quick.
hi… it was my turn to fall behind on blog & Flickr reading. I’m so sorry you’re in such a rough patch. You, your mom, your whole family will be in my thoughts. All kinds of prayers, hugs and well-wishes coming your way.
Thanks Susan! And everyone. By all accounts final CyberrKnife went well. Chemo next for my Mom.