2015 Five hundred and seventy-three posts
I posted 573 times in 2015 using WordPress. 540 were PESOS'ed from Instagram—more than 90%—. The total word count for 2015 was 14,327 words with about 560 images and approximately 36 external links. I was not yet tagging swimming posts in 2015. I didn't make any headers.
The Crawfords.
66°F Christmas Morn‘ in Northern Virginia.
Archer helping with the cookies earlier
Mom’s enchilada recipe. Mom’s handwriting. Both perfect.
Christmas Eve swings with Pop Pop
Fletcher & Joe
Chilliest nephew.
Christmas New Bot Tuesday! Everyone’s favorite transdimensional robot cat Doreamon!
Eleven years married tonight.
These buttons fight fascists. Proud supporter of both these campaigns!