2016 Four hundred and sixty-three posts
I posted 463 times in 2016 using WordPress. 412 were PESOS'ed from Instagram—more than 80%. The total word count for 2016 was 12,487 words with about 458 images and approximately 36 external links. I posted 8 posts tagged "swim2016". I made 1 header.
This daylight is not saved.
Surface Studio Pro at @microsoftstore San Diego sure is nice.
No filter, but the water is dyed.
Home stretch for Hil.
Me and a Chicken!
Freddy & Me #slackerradio
Too scary (and pretty) to eat #slackerradio
I am an iPhone playing @slackerradio playing Prince. Foregoing the eye makeup. #slackerradio
Sort of a hint about my “costume.” Sort of. Not really.