2017 Two hundred and eighty-four posts
I posted 284 times in 2017 using WordPress. 278 were PESOS'ed from Instagram—more than 90%—. The total word count for 2017 was 5,090 words with about 282 images and approximately 4 external links. I posted 7 posts tagged "swim2017". I didn't make any headers.
I really should go to Christmas Card Lane every year.
LISTEN HERE ⬇️ (from a few weeks ago)
Christmastime at Fort Rosecrans. Bittersweet but undeniably beautiful to think of my grandparents Chief Joe Crawford and Jean Crawford who are interred here. So many wonderful memories of holiday times with them.
Saving a place.
Flarey tooty fresh and rooty.
Domed conic sections.
Yellow Rose is yellow and beautiful.
Coffee: last week. Hammerhead, specifically.