August 2019 Twenty-three posts
“You made me swallow my gum!” [Throwback to 2017 when I cosplayed as Gideon Graves] While it’s fun to cosplay things everyone knows, surprising people holds special delight.
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The Office.
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More art framing! This was a test print through Burn All Books’ Riso printer for Sundays Quarterly 2019.1. It’s an inadvertent exquisite corpse as it includes test runs of layers by me, @unradmotions & @casual_vaper. Follow @burn_all_books for more awesome art. #risoprint #sandiego #zines
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“I’m lost”
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The carrots descending in the windy void were the most fun last night. I made 6 panels and put 1, then 2, then 4… last 32 marks in each panel. The orange marks turned into carrots. #spillsantaana #carrots
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1-2-4-8-16-32. #spillsantaana #spillsa #drinkanddraw #orangecounty #santaana
Calling this #Batman done. #mixedMedia #drawings
My sis & dad