August 2019 Twenty-three posts
I love that @verbatim.books has a toy robot corner.
Foursquare check-ins
Archer Kelly Jeannine Fletcher
My father told me when I was in my teens: “you take in a lot of media, son, you should try to put some out there” and I think about that every day. Contributing to the latest @burn_all_books Sundays Quarterly was been an honor. This is my proud of my work face. More is coming.
Foursquare check-ins
Foursquare check-ins
Kelly & me.
My nephews have arrived in California and are suitably goofy.
Foursquare check-ins
Post County Courthouse divorce paperwork trolley ride.
Foursquare check-ins
Got a favorite poster framed: Mage: The Hero Discovered.
Foursquare check-ins
This is my mom, Phyllis, symbolically fighting cancer. She’s gone 9 years in October. She fought so hard. I’m cultivating this energy for myself—sure life is unfair—but be of good cheer, surround yourself with love, and fight for what’s right!