2019 Three hundred and forty-two posts
I posted 342 times in 2019 using WordPress. 304 were PESOS'ed from Instagram—more than 80%. The total word count for 2019 was 20,115 words with about 340 images and approximately 348 external links. I was not yet tagging swimming posts in 2019. I made 1 header.
Me. Taken possibly in San Diego after we got back from New Orleans. I’m 12, i think. Playing my Epoch Galaxy II game (pretty sure it was unlicensed Galaxian) which I loved so much. I‘ve no idea who took this photo or why it was taken.
Thanks for watching! #inktober2019 #inktober — look for more comics in the coming months.
I made special candy 🍣 . #sushicandy #happyHalloween
Jumpsuited. #inktober #inktober2019
Zombie Red Shirt and Q went to @sketchpartysd and had a blast. Happy Halloween! #sketchpartysd
More from #sketchpartysd
Happy Sketchpartyoween! #inktober #inktober2019 #sketchpartysd #sandiego
I don’t think I’ll get tired of drawing Super Gato! #inktober #inktober2019
From a 2015 Dr Sketchy’s pencil sketch. #inktober #inktober2019
“Life is meant to be lived.”