2021 Five hundred and fifteen posts
I posted 515 times in 2021 using WordPress. 462 of those came from Instagram —more than 80%— Total word count for 2021 was 22,034 words with approximately 486 images and approximately 415 external links I posted 247 posts tagged "swim2021" I made 8 comics that year I didn't make any headers that year
Having a personal website for a long time is neat because I can look back at prior iterations and components I’ve saved! Like this header from Christmastime 2003! Which in turn features photos from me as a kid. You can see them all at artlung.com/headers
Just passing through this morning.
Robot selfie from today. At Verbatim Books! @verbatim.books
Solid morning.
New phone case. Before the surf roughed me up. BEAUTIFUL day. Air 64. Water 59F.
Changed a bit of how the tag cloud on my blog looks. 7,846 posts so far. #blogging #wordpress #css