January 2023 Seventeen posts
Foursquare check-ins
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The rain continues off and on. Sunset walk along San Diego River.
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Back to it as the first big 2023 swell wanes. The rain has subsided for now.
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What’s the cliché from the Academy Awards? “It’s an honor just to be nominated” — incredibly powerful water. None really very rideable for me unless you count bouncing around in flotsam like a stray buoy. I witnessed one surfer riding a huge fast wave in front of me. I did get past the monster breakers. The exhilaration and the view of the shore as I get raised 15-20 feet by a passing wave will always be a favorite. No photos taken; every ounce of my concentration and effort was swimming and staying safe. Know your limits.
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Big waves expose grander shells than usual. This one i found today after my session. My art supplies are mostly still boxed. I expect to falsify that statement soon.
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12 to 15 foot waves at Pipes. Brief post-work session. Sunset was 5:01pm and better daily.
Quote of the Day: From Oliver Willis
Been a while since I quoted Mr. Willis, but Nothing The Right Freaks Out About Is Real None Of It. No, Not Even That.
You can show a dyed-in-the-wool conservative news reports and government fact sheets that prove, for instance, that the story surrounding “Obama phones” was made up by the right to cast aspersions on poor Black people. The program, which began before Obama was even president, was about helping poor people get back on their feet with access to phones to assist in things like getting jobs and housing. But it won’t matter. They saw one viral clip that circulated around the right accompanied by decades of racism about Black people and government handouts combined with seething rage and animus towards Obama for the twin sins of being a Democrat who won an election while also being Black.
It won’t matter. They believe what they want to believe and the world of conservatism is oriented around keeping them eternally mad on a nonstop diet of lies. Liberals cannot help this, no matter how earnest and patient they are in explaining reality.
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Pools are also a privilege I remind myself as I pine for the sea
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“You weren’t in the way—I see you can get out of the way fast—you’re like an effing dolphin” was the reply after I ducked under a surfer taking off. I came up—they were still there—“Sorry for getting in the way” I had said. I do not mind being compared to a dolphin.
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Went to Ponto jetties after work. Rocks no fun to walk on.
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sea lion cruising by 2 feet away from me. a local.
Foursquare check-ins