nicely done, that’s a hauntingly poetic way of tying together disparate tech writing that I was mulling over yesterday as well.

I’ve been thinking about the universe on a grand scale as well lately, probably because I’m reading a collection of short stories by Liu Cixin, author of The Three Body Problem. What fascinates me is how much the natural world has the opposite of entropy – the creation of order from chaos. Not just the evolution of life on this planet but also natural materials. The universe went from all hot plasma to cool down enough to create the first element, which then clumped together into stars that in turn pressure cooked the rest of the elements that we see today. Then those stars exploded to scatter those elements to the wind, which in turn clumped together again and so it goes on.

So the maybe the universe isn’t just decay? It’s that but that’s also a natural cycle in the rebirth of the new.