August 7, 2024 Header

Email of the day: Mogl dot com shutdown

I don’t remember what app was. I apparently joined it in 2012 and got mails about related restaurants for a few years.

Mogl Logo


The Mogl dining rewards program will permanently end operations on December 3rd, 2024. You are receiving this email because you are enrolled in the program.

After December 3rd, 2024, you will no longer be able to earn rewards or access your account. If you have a remaining balance on your account, it will be paid out within 60 days of closure assuming your primary credit card information on file is valid. If you do not have a balance on your account no additional action is needed.

Please note: In order to ensure you receive your balance, please confirm the primary credit card linked to your account remains valid, including an up-to-date expiration date, by the deadline of December 3rd, 2024. If the primary credit card linked to your account is invalid or has an expiration date which has passed, we will not be able to pay out the reward balance. There is no additional action needed to receive the payout aside from the primary credit card linked to your account being valid.

To update your card for payment:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on the profile picture next to your name
  3. Select “Payments”
  4. Select “Cards” from the lefthand menu
  5. Confirm your primary credit card is valid, including an updated expiration date. If your existing primary card number is invalid or has expired, update your information to a valid credit card number
  6. Unlink any expired cards

If you have questions or concerns, please contact our support team here.

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