Look at that image. That’s the band Cannons doing cosplay as The Dazzler and KISS. A fictional comic-book hero and an actual band that cosplayed as supernatural creatures. I love cosplay. I particularly love very specific cosplay. And Dazzler and KISS is a very specific cosplay, and here from 3 years ago it’s executed perfectly by an actual band. And how, an interlude with Cannons’ song Hurricane, from 2 years ago.
So that’s a music video with a theatrical supernatural component. Given that, their cosplay makes perfect sense.
But what on earth is the link between Dazzler and KISS? Well, for that, here’s a brilliant and concise exploration of the intent of the creation of The Disco Dazzler character as a cross-promotional tie-in character.
Moviebob is a terrific movie reviewer and explainer of pop culture. His YouTube channel is well-worth a subscription if you found that video as fascinating as I do. It’s a view into an alternate universe that never quite happened.