My CSSBattle 2024 Wrap-Up & YouTube Videos

(X) CSSBattie 2024 YEAR WRAPPED Hey @artlung This was your 2nd year at CSSBattle! You played a total of 739 targets this year! 2133 batte targets 5266 day argots Guess how many code submissions you made in 2024? 3978 submissions and that is nearly 398 minutes of network time in submissions 5 submisions per target on average! ...and you know which target you played the most? You made 40 submissions on top target! Shortest code you solved a target in was just 255 characters Fun fact: Do you know how many times you solved a target in first attempt? 484 times Let's talk about your consistency in 2024! Shall we? Your monthly submissions You managed to get a longest streak of 216 days! You played the most in July ....and seems like your favourite day to play was Friday We hope you enjoyed your time at CSSBattle in 2024! And we look forward to see you in 2025, having more fun than ever! Happy 2025!

I’ve enjoyed doing the CSS Battles a great deal. I’m recording videos of each and every “Daily Target”on my YouTube channel. I’ve done about a third of them. As of this moment? I’ve done recordings covering 191 days. 376 days I have not yet recorded for. Still, 33% have videos by me. Their instructive power is debatable. Sometimes I try to explain myself, sometimes I don’t do so well at that.

Check them out in my CSS Battle Playlist.

It’s interesting to watch the videos. I will say one thing and then type a different number. I’ve been working to align what I say and what I am typing. It does seem to provide me evidence that multitasking is not really possible. Doing something, explaining something, and teaching something, all simultaneously, is a hard task. I have mad respect for those who are good at it.

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