Tags · dogsofslacker
Jojo demands playtime today during the standup. #dogsofslacker
Long time, no Jojo. #dogsofslacker
Special Guest Dog belongs to James and is super sweet. #dogsofslacker
The Shelbster, from earlier today. #dogsofslacker
How do you spend YOUR Friday nights? I stand by to support issues with a tired dog on my lap.
Jojo loves Max. Max works in QA for #SlackerRadio & played drums in a punk band in the 80s.
In addition: IT’S A SHELBY DAY! So we got that going for us.
Right after this, Shelby barked at me.
Jojo demanding Max’s attention. Jojo thinks the morning scrum is playtime.
Queen Jojo chilling on a rainy day. (in the background poster: Kurt Cobain’s hands)
In happier news, the somewhat nervous but quite cute SHELBY is in the house! She belongs to Amy.
Jojo is high energy this morning. Good energy in the office today.
Jojo & the Cow toy.
Jojo yawns as the team debugs mobile network issues.
My officemate has brought a VERY FLUFFY BABY CUTE PUPPY today. I’m stuck in here with them both.
These are my chairs now. –Jojo
This dog on my lap is more stylish than me. Jojo: she’s the fashion plate in this planning meeting.
I missed Jojo and her fauxhawk.
Work dog Jojo demands attention. Cute new outfit (harness) every day.
Jojo casual Fridays. That’s Jojo’s owner Andria in the backgound.
Jojo at rest.
Jojo, still at work.