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San Diego
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Beach Law!
I attended a Beach Law zoom webinar put on by the San Diego Law Library this afternoon. I learned things. Lifeguard jurisdiction goes out way farther than I realized. 3 miles! Alcohol got banned at the beach in 2008. But apparently in the years after that there were “Floatopia” get togethers – people drinking out...
An important message from John Stumpf, Wells Fargo CEO
In today’s mailbag: To our valued customers, You may have seen news recently that some Wells Fargo customers received products and services that they did not want or need. Every day we strive to get things right. In this instance we did not – and that is simply not acceptable. So we are making it...
Prop 8 Decision
Yesterday Proposition 8 overturned. The complete ruling of the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is available as a PDF: KRISTIN PERRY V. EDMUND G. BROWN, Jr.. Any judicial decision quoting Groucho Marx, William Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, and Frank Sinatra is fine by me. It’s not too dry. I was a bit surprised that I...
Comics and the Law
In about 1985, at San Diego Comic-Con, I received a free copy of the weekly Comic Buyer’s Guide (Wikipedia says it’s the longest running English-language periodical reporting on the American comic book industry). I got myself a subscription and I was hooked. It was a tabloid, newsprint at the time. But I loved getting that...
LDS and Proposition 8
Some various responses to Proposition 8 of note. I’m sad at the rhetoric, I was sad about the proposition, and I feel The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have done themselves a disservice in this matter. Mormons Resigning Despite Strong Heritage, Citing ‘Hatred’ by LDS Church Mormons Stole Our Rights danah boyd has...
Quote of the day:
Proponents of Bush’s kangaroo court say: Don’t you soft-on-terror, due-process types know there’s a war on? Have you forgotten our 5,000 civilian dead? In an emergency like this, aren’t extraordinary security measures needed to save citizens’ lives? If we step on a few toes, we can apologize to the civil libertarians later. Those are the...