Philip Greenspun at CalTech I attended the Philip Greenspun “One Day” Web Courses at the California Institute of Technology, in Baxter Lecture Hall. November 1999 Philip AfterPhilip CrowdPhilip FarPhilip Far2Philip HandsPhilip Hands2Philip MousingPhilip ScreenPhilip Surfing The Date Photos Physics Notecards - 1989 Respiratory School Che, aka Gato The Web Is Not A Screenshot Web Screenshots Philip Greenspun at CalTech Miscellany 199x-2002 Year 2000 Florida Ballot Hawaii Sold! Fujica Movie Camera Wisdom Teeth WebDesign Meetup Virginia by Vince Sold! Canon 814 Super 8 Camera Sold! Sales Hedgehog Family, Summer 2003 Downtown San Diego: Fire Fallout Christopher Greazel Balloons by Ken 2003 Cajon Speedway Stew at Grand Performances Miscellany Aught Four JBX Store Comic Con