e l c o m e
to the world of ArtLung.
Before going any further, please read the FAQ.
Q: What the heck does ArtLung mean?
A: Artist + Respiratory Therapist = ArtLung
Q: But you call yourself a web designer now?
A: Indeed I do.
Q: But then, shouldn't you change it to ArtWeb
or something more appropriate?
A: No, because I'm ArtLung.
I'm Joe Crawford, and this is my "home page." I can
just hear you saying to yourself, "Great, just what the
web needs: another page of a guy and a picture of his cat Fluffy,
his bad love poetry and his kewl links!"
Get that out of your head. I have no cat. Well, technically
a cat resides in my home, but it's not my cat per se. He's quite
cute, I assure you, but you shan't see a picture of him here.
You may encounter an extraterrestrial cat, but I don't count
felinus alienis.
This is a presentation and communications space for me. A way
to display my talents and skills. It's also a great way to meet strange and interesting people.
I know that for some of you, this is one of the first pages you've ever seen. (Note: This means members of my family). So here's a small primer on using web pages.
The menu in the upper left corner is the navigation, a means to get from place to place. Go ahead and click part of it. You can't break anything in here. These pages live on a computer connected to the internet. You are also using a computer connected to the internet. Very democratic, don't you think? Anyway, hit the "home" button to get back here at any time. Cool eh?
Here are the high points:
- On your first visit, read the newcomer page. It'll tell you a bit more about how these pages came to be. It also includes some ranting about the web which you may find diverting.
- Want to get personal? Check the biography page. I don't intend it to be narcissistic. I swear. Really. No, really. Hey, if you don't like it, put up your own page. It's easier than you think.
- Favorite sites is very bookmarkable. Lots of links to worthwhile content. Interesting, useful, silly, fun. It's the only true exit from my Space Age Pupusería.
- Offering me work? Check out the resume. Facts are simple and facts are straight.
- My portfolio is fun, I hope. Lots to see. If there's any content here - it's on these pages.
- I welcome comments, suggestions, insults, and tirades. Flaming is optional, as is whining.
Send electronic mail to or artlung@earthlink.net . Don't be shy! I enjoy getting email.
So again, welcome, and please remember to keeps your hands and feet inside the car at all times!
This site and all images contained herein are copyrighted.
©1997 Joe Crawford
p a g e . l a s t . u p d a t e d . 6 . f e b r u a r y . 1 9 9 8