Flash vintage work by Joe Crawford

The Flash 2 Web Animation Book

Flash has been deprecated for years. During the start of my career, it was among the most exciting technolgoies. It brought multimedia to life. Broadly available games, music and video playback began in Flash.

I was first introduced to Flash when it was called FutureSplash, from a company called FutureWave.

I sought admission to the Flash 2 Beta program and participated in the Flasher Mailing List and the Macromedia newsgroups. My work was featured in the book Flash 2 Web Animation Book which garnered me notoriety.

As a staff programmer and freelancer I worked on many different Flash applications. Animations, music players, movie tie-in games, and more.

Ruffle is an open-source Flash Player emulator written in Rust. It is a drop-in replacement for the Flash Player plugin. It powers Flash content on the Internet Archive, for example.

QWith Ruffle, I'm proud to be able to present my Flash work, all from before the year 2000. I was able to use the JPEXS-Decompiler to make minor changes so that the work can work more-or-less how it did back then.

View my Vintage Flash Work