If you're seeing this either the dhtml broke, or you're viewing this page in a non-CSS capable browser, or a non JavaScript capable browser, or both.

Of course, you're probably not viewing it in two browsers at once.
I have been writing and debugging HTML code since 1996. In that time I have moved from WYSIWYG tools such as Claris Home Page and PageMill to being a pure code fanatic. I am fanatical about clean, validating code. I understand the limitations of HTML 3.2 and 4. I know what can be done with xhtml. Forms, frames, images, stylesheets, and anchors are all second nature to me.

I prefer hand coding in smart editors such as BBEdit, TextPad, HomeSite or emacs.
I have enjoyed a close relationship with JavaScript since I first became aware of mouseovers. I have implemented questionnaires, hangman games, navigation widgets, form validation, slideshows, popup windows, and of course mouseovers. My formal programming training includes TI-BASIC in Junior High, BASIC and Pascal in High School, and I audited a class in Java in 1999. In 2000 I took a formal class in Cold Fusion.

I understand the difference between procedural and object oriented programming, especially in JavaScript.

I have taught myself to debug perl scripts - including the typical redirect scripts, form-mail scripts, and survey scripts. I have had exposure to ASP programming and understand the basic principles of server side scripting. I have a strong grasp on both PHP and Cold Fusion and how they integrate into database-backed websites and web applications.

I am not a programmer in the strictest sense, but I understand the importance of diagramming program logic, clean code, and debugging.
I have about 10 years of Macintosh platform experience. In high school I worked at a bank, and they had one of the first Macs. The GUI and ease of use were impressive to me. My previous computing was writing BASIC on Apple ][, TI-99/4A, and Commodore PETs. I moved on to the Amiga, and from there the Macintosh I'm creating this page on today.
Virtually all of my professional web development experience has been on Windows 95, NT, and 2000. Using a Windows box is second nature, and though the primary machines at home are Macs, we also have a Windows machine.

What I'm saying is that I do Windows.
Unix is a vast continent I have been exploring since 1998. Most of that was via pure command line shell access. My experience is with Linux and FreeBSD, and most recently I have MacOSX installed on a laptop at home. I've done a bit of everything. I carry out file management, configure and debug php scripts, manage mysql databases, and use an array of tools such as gunzip, tar, pine, curl, linklint.

In 1999 I went through the pain of a Red Hat Linux installation. I learned enough to know that I'm no server administrator, but I can take care or httpd daemons and troubleshoot permissions with some facility.
I began working with Flash when it was still 1.0 -- FutureWave's FutureSplash. Since then my work has been featured in a book on Flash 2, which was quite a feather in my cap. I have also assisted in many Flash 3 presentations and detection schemes. My present work has taken me away somewhat away from hands-on with Flash, but I try to keep up with the capabilities of Flash as a rich GUI environment for the web.
I love art. I love graphic design. At one time I thought I would become an artist or an advertising creative person. I have always drawn or done watercolors. I'm lucky enough to have had this carry over into my professional life as well.

I have expertise in creating, modifying and optimizing graphics in PhotoShop, Illustrator, Flash, Paint Shop Pro, Fireworks, Painter, GraphicConverter, DeBabelizer. I also have a sensitivity to the aspects of design that affect the user experience as they travel through a website. I often think of the work of Edward Tufte - of crafting information in a way that is concise and engaging.
If there's one thing I'm passionate about - it's web standards. The foundations of the web are open standards such as TCP/IP, HTTP, HTML, JPEG, and others. I was part of the formation of the group called the Web Standards Project, which seeks to prod browser vendors to improve their products so that web authors need not rewrite their page for every browser. If HTML, CSS1, CSS2, ECMAScript, and other standards were adhered to the web would be a far more functional space.
Accessibility is a rare commodity on the web. Authors too often worry more about a color scheme while ignoring things like the ALT tag, which allows alternative browsers, including screenreaders for the visually impaired access to the web. If the web is to be a universal medium, then more authors must make accessibility a priority.

Solid web authoring will degrade gracefully to alternative user agents. Authoring for accessibility enhances how well a site will work in future browsers, as well as enhance the machine-readability of a website.
Cross-browser issues interest me. The first HTML page I ever wrote I wrote on a piece of paper while still working as a Respiratory Therapist. After work, I typed it into SimpleText and opened it in the Mac AOL 2.7 Browser. I was delighted that it worked!

I was curious though, if it would work on a Windows machine. The book I read said any browser could read it. I downloaded a Windows HTML viewer from AOL's shareware archive. I installed it on a Windows 3.1 box at work the next night and was stunned that it worked.

I did note some differences. fonts looked different. Things were in different proportions. The Win3.1 screen was much smaller than my monitor - and everything was different. Since then, browser, platform, font, monitor gamma, and monitor size have been things I deal with every day.
I have a strong work ethic. When I worked in medicine, I acquired strong feelings about service. I learned to interact with people in the most stressful circumstances, and always do the best job possible. This carries over to my work on the web. I am completely devoted to site quality, and I strive to deliver nothing but the best.
I'm a team player. I enjoy working with clients, designers, programmers, multimedia experts, writers, artists, and even managers. Everyone brings something to the table, and I have found that there is nothing quite like making a kick-ass site with a fun group of people.
ArtLung » Portfolio » dhtml

This page was originally conceived in 1999. Since then it has been altered and improved a few times. The lastest revision was completed in January 2002. This version is validating xhtml and css.
It was all built by hand by Joe Crawford

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