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December 8, 2006
Four posts
Daily Links
Pitchfork Feature: Interview: Tom Waits (tags: music interview) Social Facts, Expertise, Citizendium, and Carr. Many-to-Many: I’ve missed Clay Shirky’s essays. Many 2 Many just hit my reading list again. (tags: socialsoftware shirky wikipedia wiki culture) Friends, friendsters, and top 8: Writing community into being on social network sites Another good Danah Boyd article (tags: socialsoftware...
txt msgs b2ween joe and lp b4 leah left on plane
joephone: @fry.s leahphone: But r there flies? joephone: No flies but you are a prize leahphone: The space between us our love does not disguise joephone: And now my face a smile can not hide
Help me think in MVC
Dear LazyWeb: I discovered the Model-View-Controller pattern earlier this year. Well, not discovered, I had read about it in OO programming articles years ago. And it’s been around for decades. But this year I think I’m finally getting it. I think the reason I never got it was because I’d never encountered a system that...
And Boom
Another day. Lovely one I think and affirm. Onward.