2015 Five hundred and seventy-three posts
I posted 573 times in 2015 using WordPress. 540 of those came from Instagram —more than 90%— Total word count for 2015 was 14,327 words with approximately 560 images and approximately 36 external links I was not yet tagging swimming posts in 2015 I didn't make any headers that year
Really not a vacation until I take a selfie with a robot. #bb-8
Leah’s color zen.
When it was 2015 / it was a very good year / #2015bestnines
Bored in 10 minutes.
Fletcher! Let’s go to the DMV with Mama!
Lego Crying Kitty A.I. Hydra Dragster. I still got it. Archer’s not sure about the kitty eyes but I am.
Baby duty while Archer levels up at swim class.
Post Christmas. Pre New Year.
I challenge you to find a nerdier better espresso roast name. #CafeKreyol