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· Enron  
I’d Pretend, That I Was A Billboard
I used to view personal interplay as a chance to “put my best face forward” – and in so doing I shut myself off. There’s a line in a Talking Heads song – Nothing But Flowers— “Years ago, I was an angry young man, and I’d pretend, that I was a billboard” — and that’s...
Something from an interview with Harry Shearer, from March 2002:
Something from an interview with Harry Shearer, from March 2002: Let’s get back to politics. How about Dick Cheney having to hand over documents about his energy task force and policies? A step in the right direction? If you live long enough, one of the rewards is to get the privilege of seeing each political...
Enron Ethics Manual
The estimable ‘The Smoking Gun’ has made Enron’s Code of Ethics available online. You can’t beat the internet for document sharing. We live in an appalling time. Airline safety is broken. Energy policy is broken. The educational system is broken. The music industry is broken. Popular culture is broken. Corporate behavior is largely unchecked. Political...
The Long Con: Enron.
Enron Designed Fake Trading Floor – Former Employee Claims No Trades Transpired. ( via Tom Tomorrow ) See also: The Sting, The Grifters. Amazing and appalling behavior. The lesson? The bigger the lie, the more likely it will be believed.
MSN Slate on Enron
At Slate, The Enron Blame Game (requires Flash) [link directly to popup]. Taking responsibility? No thanks, I’ll blame someone else.
Sometimes, even when you’re sick, you have to enter a viridian design contest. In this one, we rethink the Enron corporate logo.
Funny, via Dave Farber‘s Interesting-People list: Capitalism – You have two cows. – You sell one and buy a bull. – Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. – You sell them and retire on the income. Enron Venture Capitalism – You have two cows. – You sell three of them to your publicly listed...