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Playing at @ink_and_drink_lb tonight. Feels good but I’m out of practice.
In February I got a snapshot of me printed into the top of a Guinness beer at @supply_and_demand_lbc / @ink_and_drink_lb oh boy I love goofy fun stuff like this at great events across Southern California. I miss it. #savelongbeachbusinesses
“CUBE CAT at BEAR LODGE (aka Devil’s Tower)” – from last night at Long Beach Ink & Drink #drawing @ink_and_drink_lb #longbeach #cubecat #closeencounters
Me and this fellow @chrisgreazel have been drawing near each other for a long time. Amazing time at @ink_and_drink_lb last night.
Uh. Wut. #inkanddrinklb #cubecat
Cube Cat Christmas Resistance! @ink_and_drink_lb #cubecat #inkanddrink #inkanddrinklb
Chris and me, at the end of the amazing Ink and Drink Long Beach @ink_and_drink_lb
Whoa so much fun at @ink_and_drink_lb with first timer @chrisgreazel — and free stickers from @fiiidgt and @unjadedsunflower — and #cubecat makes a surly appearance. #inkanddrink #longbeach #inkanddrinklb #drawing