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Kate Clyde, fabricator for @museumofman just spoke on creating interactive experiences @sdmakerfaire and was inspirational! #sketchnotes #balboapark #sdmakerfaire — “putting the fun in profundity”
Tiny kid just played two bars of theme from The Sting! Killer pipe organ powered by several Arduinos and Raspberry Pi. #sdmakerfaire
Trike Writer was here. #sdmakerfaire
This fellow’s exoskeleton/suit yesterday at #sdmakerfaire was BEAUTIFUL. Gorilla glue in bulk + INCREDIBLE craftsmanship.
This #Sparki robot at #sdmakerfaire was the cutest off-the-shelf sensing programmable bot.
I found @noordinarymoment at #sdmakerfaire helping in the booth– I mean Viking Tent associated with the pneumatic tentacle!
Selfie with Giant Robot because I’m me. #sdmakerfaire
I contributed some pushpins to this in progress portrait of Edward Snowden #sdmakerfaire
James Parr of Open Space Agency talking Ultrascope at #sdmakerfaire