Tags · StarTrekCosplay
Una/Mystique, McCoy/McCoy, Una (@hellokellykuhl, @artlung, @sezhooo) #SDCC #SDCC2024 #StarTrekCosplay #XmenCosplay
WHAT IF #StarTrek & #XMen multiversal transporter collisions happened? Call me Dr. McCoy in either universe (and they both appeared together in a comic once!), and my lovely date is Number One (Una)/Mystique (both played expertly by Rebecca Romijn and brought to life by @hellokellykuhl.) #xmencosplay #startrekcosplay #sdcc
I’ve attended so many Comic Con’s alongside my friend Erin of thirty-five years I don’t know how many it’s been. It’s great to be back! …though not always dressed as the Q Continuum judging humanity. #QCosplay #StarTrek #StarTrekCosplay