Tags · swim2024
Goodbye 2024
Christmastime at the end of the pier.
Too fast and big to catch at Scripps. One wave taught me how the masa feels when it’s being prepped for tortillas. No better way to spend Sunday.
Big waves are tremendously fun to be around.
I saw Santa ride a 10 foot wave at La Jolla Shores today.
It was breaking all over San Diego today. I had fun in big waves and finished at Scripps.
Somebody put up decorations at OB.
Fun closeouts today and got captured diving under a wave by @dronedudeed
Monday Afternoon was fun.
Good afternoon.
Kelly took this one of me bodysurfing today at Scripps. Thank you @hellokellykuhl! #stoke
Low tide, drive by dolphins.
Crystal Pier’s Christmas tree is up. And I found a 5 inch tall turban shell. I through it back when I realized it was a live. Thanksgiving with Kelly with family and family dogs. And killer veggies.
closing time
crystal blue persuasion
Water is such that I get an ice cream headache when I first get immersed.
Late dip at La Jolla/Scripps
King Tide this morning, closeouts this afternoon
Good Monday