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New Bot Day! EVE stands for Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator and first appeared in 2008’s post-apocalyptic fable WALL·E. She is dutiful, graceful and heavily armed. Do not mess with EVE! She reminds me of the brilliant, tough & funny RBG, who died last week. EVE is pictured with artwork by Gillian Dreher & Rick Geary of Justice Ginsberg #rickgeary @theresgill
Very happy with my evolving art wall. Art by @nikinapalm @whitaker.becca @poachedmegg @theresgill @mattqspangler @crushedpeanut @dizzylittledotty @genevieveft @nicterhorst — and that’s just one wall. The latest one arrived today from @radixrisingcreative
Happy Birthday To Me. Prints of Jackie Brown (@theresgill) and Rose Quartz (@nikinapalm.) Two wonderful interpretations of two incredible characters.