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Remember when we used to link to things?
So here’s a link to Doc Searls: Enough Alreadies, who said about leaving Quora: Even if something gets a lot of notice, the news cycle is hardly longer than Now, and the sense of having done something quickly disappears. The beautiful blog about aging with style Advanced Style posts Volunteer with Meals on Wheels, which sounds...
The Failures of the iOS6 Maps Application
The hard lesson of the failures of the new iOS6 Maps Application – painfully and hilariously observed in — is the subject of this post from a GIS professional: Google Maps announces a 400 year advantage over Apple Maps: TL;DR: Perhaps the most egregious error is that Apple’s team relied on quality control by...
Steve Jobs
John Lilly: (Steve Jobs) was also a gifted, gifted operator. One of the struggles we were going through when he came back was that Apple was about the leakiest organization in history — it had gotten so bad that people were cavalier about it. In the face of all those leaks, I remember the first...
Apple 3.3.1 iPhone changes cause uproar
I have been watching iPhone development for a while. I’ve played in it and with it and been fascinated by it. The latest changes, where Apple is proposing to disallow alternate languages and runtimes to make iPhone apps. What it says is: 3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by...
I bet you didn’t know Leahpeah had a podcast
Started in 2007, two episodes so far. Here’s the raw RSS podcast feed, and here’s the iTunes Preview Page, and here’s the equivalent Zune page. I think the Leahpeah Podcast is due for a new episode. Tech background: I used mp3feed.php as the core of this podcast script. The Making a Podcast documentation from Apple...
Apple to retcon the PADD
PADD = “PADD” is an acronym for Personal Access Display Device, a hand-held computer interface, used as early as the 22nd century and well into the 24th century. Supposedly Apple Computer of Cupertino, California will be retconning the PADD in about an hour. I will defer to Jason Kottke on what the best sources of...
New Regime
New things are afoot, dear readers. New things. Some newness: There’s now an Apple Store about 20 minutes away. Huzzah! Had some coffee this morning. Time to get to work. Rock on!
Most Succinct Post on the iPod Mini : The iPod Mini: “$249 seems like too much money to pay for the iPod Mini.”
30-Dec-2003 : triumph of the will
From Q: Apple only released their battery replacement service because of all the bad publicity from iPod’s Dirty Secret. A: While often claimed, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Apple released the battery replacement program November 14. was only registered on November 20, and started being heavily publicized on November 21. Additionally,...
Safari Reading List
Apple’s Official Page: Safari David Hyatt, Safari developer Safari Review Why are Safari and Sherlock two different applications? “Like Gecko,” We Hope Thoughts on Apple’s new browser, Safari Zeldman on Safari Safari, Speech, Summarize Safari: First Look: Safari Information for Web Designers Initial Reactions to Safari Greetings from the Safari team at Apple Computer Apple...