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San Diego
· Jenny  
Everything Has Changed. Topsy Turvydom.
Turnarounds in every aspect of my life are occurring. For the better. For the worst. For a change. I feel very much like a cork on the surface of a turbulent sea. Hurled from place to place, bounced and flipped by the sea. But alive, and surviving. I am now on a leave of absence...
Breaking The News
Tonight I went over to see my Grandmother to break the news about Jenny and me. I was terrified about how she would take it. And the whole ghoulish thing is just so horrible to tell. My Grandmother was wise, and wonderful, and hopeful that the best outcome would come from all this. She wishes...
Friday’s Useless Musings
I’m listening to the song Son of Mr. Green Genes by Frank Zappa from Hot Rats and it sounds glorious. On the way home from worked I visited Jenny at work, went to the comic book store. Dark Knight Returns (DK2) #3 is still not out. I’ve been waiting for it patiently since February. I...
Charles and Jenny are both using the san diego bloggers badge. And others are noticing and linking as well.
Over the weekend I did almost no blogging and got an amazing amount of crud done…
Over the weekend I did almost no blogging and got an amazing amount of crud done. Maybe not crud, but stuff. I did Jenny’s and my taxes (woo hoo!) and because I had a more conventional job than in the past few years (1 full time gig) the taxes were much more clear-cut. No freelance...
Griffith Observatory will get a massive refit!
It’s going to take 3 years, but that’s good timing since I’m not in L.A. now. Heh. I’m a sucker for Griffith Observatory. When I was a kid, maybe 6 or 7 years old I saw a planetarium show there that included a bit on constellations, and speculated on creatures from outer space. They included...