April 14, 2005 Header

Comic Con, 1988


On my lunch hour I just uploaded all my old Amiga pictures to my flickr account. See the set here.

I think there was a contest that year to design a badge for San Diego Comic Con. This was the start of something like that. DeluxePaint II (aka DPaint) was a darn good program.

I’m not going to Con this year unless something radical happens to change my mind or fatten my pocketbook.

three comments so far...


We’re in the middle of re-org’ing our house (so I get an office inside, instead of “the room built in the garage office from hell”), once that’s done I’ll have to dig it out and fire it up.

I bet my son would dig it (if I can pry him away from WoW to look check it out 😉 .

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