So today I got a bunch of work done. Did some invoices for work already done. Did some work on a proposal for a project I may get to work on which may help me pay that darned rent.
On a more depressing note, today I closed out the joint bank account Jenny and I shared. So… anticlimactic. But, i signed some papers, and poof! No more account. More changes and alterations.
I also went and did my laundry. On the whole I prefer the Sunday morning/Saturday morning crowd for laundry. Monday night was a lot of single guys. Frankly, I have no interest in single guys. Give me older women and single women and moms with kids! These people are fun. Single guys are so sullen. Er, I hope not like me. Heh heh.
On an entirely other note, Monday was pretty good, really. Busy and nice.
Tired now. Time for bed.