Leah, Rocking

So tonight I was the reflector-holder for Leah. She’s doing photography for the new magazine for North County – the northern part of San Diego, North. northcountymag.com was supposed to be the domain, that’s what’s published, but it looks like it got taken away from them. That’s a bummer, but things are looking up – I’ve perused it and it’s a quality product looks like. Not just because Leah did pictures for it. Ha!

She was photographing yummy food and I was literally the guy to hold a reflector. Look for it in an upcoming issue of North.

You can see the pix Leah did from the magazine in leah’s photo area. Very nifty.

Also, her new column is up at writer’s monthly – and it’s another funny one. Check the older one too.

And other Leah news? Monday we went and saw the documentary Rivers and Tides together, on the cheap (read: free), and visited Off The Record (we bought nothing!). We both really enjoyed the film. The artist portrayed, Andy Goldsworthy, is remarkable and really gifted. I’m normally very skeptical of artists who do installations or location-based art like a Christo, say, but this fellow I really found sympathetic. He really seems to care about his work, and did not strike me as snobbish in the least. The documentary is worth a look if you are a fan of art.

I suppose that’s it for now. Things are mellow and good for me. Not so much for many others I know.

And that’s all I have to say for now. Good night!

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