Went to a party on Saturday — that was boss.
Saw Step Into Liquid — that was moving (I cried!)
The house is coming along great
We’re going to have a garage sale Saturday
We’ve scheduled a housewarming party — choosing the invite list was fun — I know a lot of people, but I don’t want them all to come have a drink with me
I really like hot beef jerky — though I can’t say the same for my stomach
My folks are on their way to California by car — can’t wait to see them
Leah and I have A LOT of paintings and pictures — we’re deciding which ones go where
We really need to do laundry
I start a racquetball class tonight — that may be interesting
Walking onto the San Diego City College campus yesterday was a bit disorienting after 15 years
I was happy to see their processes seem to have improved
Thursday there’s a new webdesign meetup — should be great again
SUMMARY: things good, things busy, things fun, things best when one on one not taken too seriously