Quaking in my boots

So today was a big quake. I live outside downtown, and this circa 1892 house shook pretty violently. I was surprised that nothing fell down – no pictures or books fell, and Leah and I have plenty of both on shelves and on the walls.

It was fun watching the news roll out. NPR had very little coverage, and the best news was provided to me via RSS and Atom feeds of the various bloggers on San Diego Bloggers — also some pals of mine on AIM were very useful – tossing around links. Also got news via web405 and websandiego — both are really mailing lists (aka ‘listservs’) ostensibly about web development — but when there’s a quake or a disaster — that’s the topic du jour.

There’s very little rationale for regional blogging, really. I mean, my whole interest in the internet is the ability to collapse space so that a person across the world and I can talk like we’re in the next room. But when something is happening in a particular region, you really want to hear from people who are in the thick of it. I certainly learned that when the fires hit last year and I talked about regionalism in blogs.

Since the blog has recently upgraded from b2 to wordpress, I was also able to use trackback to communcate with some of the blogs via san diego blog.

Lasting impact, zero. But it did give me an excuse to post to San Diego Blog. And it was neat to get instant man-in-the-street takes on it from all over San Diego.

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