Married,moved,and getting it together.


Don’t wait too long to cook your asparagus.

Don’t leave the ladder on the lawn.

Don’t watch _That’s So Raven_.

Don’t call a 7″ bookcase a 10″ bookcase.

Don’t run out of ketchup and soy milk.

Don’t leave the car windows unrolled when the sprinklers are scheduled to turn on.

Don’t sit too hard on the $19.95 beanbag chair.

Don’t go to Wal-Mart.

Don’t tug on Superman’s cape.

Don’t spit into the wind.

Don’t pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger.

Don’t mess around with Jim.

one comment so far...

okay – i understand most of this… especially the WalMart and That’s So Raven… but what exactly happened when you sat too hard on the beanbag chair? i’m dyin’ to know… and are there any photographs of the incident?


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