Married,moved,and getting it together.

Girl with Flower Top, 1986, 2005

Girl with Flower Top, 1986 Girl with Flower Top, 1986, 2005

I’ve always liked this drawing of mine, by my 16-year-old self. Just a marker on paper if I remember correctly.

It’s definitely a drawing that was made with the aesthetic of “do it fast and do it now” — I think I may have been sad at the time given the melancholy of the pose. I’m not sure what is going on with her arm though. I just had no concept of anatomy and I was not trying to be realistically physical.

Anyway, after scanning this morning I thought I’d try adding color using PhotoShop. It works. Very rough, but it gives a bit of depth lacking in the original.

I need to work on patience and flexibility this week. I’m feeling especially impatient and inflexible this week. Well, maybe just yesterday.

These are not my best qualities.

Noodling in PhotoShop is rather calming though.

The day begins soon. Good morning.

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