Married,moved,and getting it together.

Snoopy the Red Baron, 1975

Snoopy the Red Baron, 1975

I’m 5 years old and I loved Snoopy.

My mother worked in an academic library when I was even younger than that, and when I would visit her library I would go find the Peanuts Treasury. And I would read and read. And Snoopy was my favorite.

I like very much the variation of the lettering here. I would call is “typography” there, but it sounds grandiose.

I _think_ it was done in 1975, but I’m not really sure, it may have been 1976 or 1974. I’m somewhere around 4 to 6 years old. It’s not like I was including copyright information on my drawings at that point.

Unlike the various Star Wars drawings I did, which I remember were done at the kitchen table in our apartment in Alhambra, I’m not sure where and when this one was done. Again, this makes it difficult for me to date the drawing.

Feeling better today than yesterday. It’s going to be a great day.

Take care, y’all.

And it’s been a while, so….


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