April 14, 2005 Header

Halloween Pumpkin Designs, 1987

Halloween Pumpkin Designs, 1987

Nine designs for pumpkins. I believe I did these in anticipation of Halloween, 1987. On paper, and with Micron Pigma type pens. I like ’em.

My favorite thing about these is that I can tell I showed them to my grandma, who declared that Pumpkin Idea 5 looked like he “doesn’t have good sense.”

I always enjoyed Halloween particularly making decorations such as banners and posters. I also like giving out candy. My usual thing is to _demand_ that kids say “Trick or Treat” — that’s the ritual. My pet peeve is that kids come to the door while one batch of kids is getting served and just want candy. Sorry, the transaction is this: you have to be in costume (or do your best to be in costume); you have to say “Trick or Treat;” the candygiver has to dole out some candy and say something about your costume (or hassle you about your advanced age and sucky costume); and you have to say “Thank You” (well, you don’t have to, but it’s good Halloween manners.

eight comments so far...

I laughed at the Halloween ritual you described! I give the older kids some crap about their costumes, too, but I’ve actually resorted to keeping two bowls candy, one for the little kids (the good stuff) and one for the kids who are too old for trick or treating (the not-so-good stuff). And I make sure they see me trading out the bowls before I tell them I think they’re too old for this. And no “trick or treat” means no candy at my house, too. (*o*)

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