I’m a big fan of Halloween.
In 1991 or so I won a costume college (I was either first or second place out of maybe 2 dozen or so health science students at CHRV College of Health Sciences).
The other day I posted the “guts cake,” which I submit as evidence of liking Halloween.
Funny enough, I’m not a big fan of scary movies. I don’t really care for horror movies unless MST3K is making fun of them. I did like _Shaun of the Dead_, but in general, not so much.
I’m rambling.
The image above is a bad colorization of a scan from a college yearbook. The yearbook is from 1991, the colorization was me doing PhotoShop for a class at UCLA Extension in 1995. It’s not great colorization. These days I’m much better.
Today was not so great. Plenty busy all around, feeling choked by work.
Let me say that Leah rocks my socks off. She’s on the verge of being the best project manager I ever worked with _ever_. And I’ve worked with some great ones. Also terrible ones. _Terrible_ ones.
Okay, enough rambling.
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