Married,moved,and getting it together.

A few notes

US Airways lost 3 of 4 bags flying from Roanoke to Charlotte to Los Angeles. That is pretty stinky. To add insult to injury, the movie on the flight was _Dukes of Hazzard_.

…just playing, US Airways rocks. Can’t wait till they call me and let me know my bags are found.

…no really, I can scarcely wait.

I’m still sick, finished a course of antibiotics this morning. _To health!_

We had a terrific time in Virginia. There are even a few photos.

The January 16th Events for San Diego Bloggers look like they’re gonna be great

We launched a site last week. MLI Laser. We did the html and CSS. Quickie site, but a fun one!

Today we’re travelling again, this time with the kids.


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