Last night around 9:45pm the power went out. Didn’t come back on until about 12:30am. Then we went to bed.
We occupied ourselves with non-electricity related activities. Well, actually, Leah drafted her bio for the BlogHer conference and we talked and stuff. It was kind of a nice mellow night.
I did a kind of stalking panther thing. We lit candles, and I checked outside out front, and I checked out back. I went out to the van and checked the radio for news or trouble. I listened to the neighbors a little. I felt very protective of this rented home and my family, just my wife tonight, no stepkids here last night. There was no trouble on the radio. No natural or unnatural disasters. No special breaking news for Ventura County or Simi Valley. So after about 10 minutes of radio listening I hung it up and came back in.
I couldn’t get any work done, since all my work is digital. I called Southern California Edison. When I first called they had no information on the outage. It thanked me for reporting the outage. I called back 10 minutes later, then the machine-woman said to me that I would get a callback to my phone if the outage were anticipated to be more than 4 hours.
It’s interesting that I never spoke with any human being at Southern California Edison. Is it the future?
So this morning I woke up early, about 8:15am. I got started with my day, did some cleaning up, start up a computer to check email. Just as I answer one email, *poof* the power goes out again.
So much for work and email, again.
I call SCE again, they report that the outage has been ongoing since 10pm last night, and should be back online at about 11am. It came back on at 10, after Leah and I were just about to get in the car, laptops in hand, to go get breakfast and check email and work.
I don’t know what the problem was in Simi (western end of town) — the SCE robot woman said it was “Equipment Failures,” but it’s definitely flaky as of last night and this morning.
It’s a brand new day. Full of possibilities. The reset button of life has been hit.