March 11, 2007 Header

My Mom’s Cancer (Update)

So it’s been a few months since my Mom’s stroke and subsequent diagnosis of Stage IV Renal Cancer. She’s been through a bunch of chemotherapy, ups and downs, but generally is in great spirits and kicking butt. A few weeks ago she was out with my Dad and the rest of my family to San Diego. She was fine, except for some thrush on her tongue making it uncomfortable for her to eat and talk. That cleared up a week or so later, so, great.

Meanwhile, she was off chemo for a few weeks and had a CT scan that gave a bigger view of what’s up with the cancer. Sounds like the cancer in her lungs is less, while the kidney cancer is slightly larger and we can see it impinging on the renal vein. So… the timing is right and my Mom has been scheduled for surgery for October 6th to remove the kidney that has the tumor.

I iChatted with her and my Dad and his Army buddy Ray, plus my Sister and her Fianceé (I’m capitalizing Everybody today).

I think that covers it. Your thoughts and prayers have meant a great deal to me, and by proxy my family.

Here’s the update via my sister:

My mom is scheduled to have surgery to remove her kidney on Saturday, October 6th at 10am. We expect her to be in the hospital for approximately 4-5 days. My father is taking a week off to be with her after surgery. Daniel and I are planning on being in Roanoke at least through the holiday.

Overall, mom is doing good. She has been off chemotherapy for several weeks, recovering from side effects. The cancer in her brain is slowly diminishing since her cyberknife treatments in June and the lesions in her lungs have gotten smaller since her last treatment of Torisel in August.

Love to all,

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