On January 29th and 30th I attended the Lighting Tour of Salesforce.com that was held here in San Diego. I had a lot of fun, and got a great sense that my skills in web development may have a great deal of carryover into working with and developing for Salesforce.
Cutest stickers at @salesforce #lightningnow seminar here in San Diego. Added to my iPad though I took my notes on paper today. Day 2 of #lightningnow learning about Kanban view inside @Salesforce + bonus t-shirt! Remain impressed by quality of Trailhead exercises for a novice like me. I also like that it’s kind of Shazam!/Mage/Captain Marvel.
Here’s the code editor that is part and parcel of developing for Salesforce.
In web development one has to be cognizant of issues related to caching when making frequent updates. Here’s the setting you’d look for to make sure you’re seeing freshly edited content.
I was very impressed with the API versioning that’s a part of Salesforce. You can target different versions of Apex and in this way you can migrate to newer API versions as you need to in a manner that’s safe. Salesforce can keep innovating, and your apps won’t break. That’s smart.
I was also very interested to see the differences in code from “old style” and their “new style.” Of course I had no concept of the older style but I can see that they’ve taken some time to encapsulate very robust and common functionality in ways that are quicker to develop for.
Installing a new Project screen. I’m not sure what made me capture this one actually. Possibly I just thought to myself: this is some pretty professional and polished stuff. Which is the impression I got generally.
It’s a few weeks later and I’m having fun going through the tutorials and exercises on Trailhead.
Here’s my profile on Trailhead: Joe Crawford