since 1998

personal website: joe crawford. code. occasional comics. toy robots. bodysurfing. san diego. california. say hi.

More Video of Ocean For Precious Few Viewers

We all are pretty much aware that YouTube is a special sort of land of trouble. It has radicalized people. It thrives on the most outlandish and incendiary videos because those are what keep us watching.

All that said, I’ve made another video (the last one was of dolphins) and put it on YouTube, it’s of some time out in the surf the other day. I’m also getting comfortable using iMovie on my iPad and seeing the nuances of that.

When I worked for Jamison/Gold I sometimes did video encoding, but it was all so primitive then. 22 years later the resolution is much higher. Heck, I remember putting up wav files to share audio on an old version of the Disneyland website.

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