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February 19, 2024
Four posts
President’s Day at Scripps
Morse High School Dedication, 1963
From The San Diego Union, Saturday, May 11, 1963: 600 At Dedication Of Morse School Six-hundred spectators last night witnessed the dedication and open house of the city’s new Samuel F.B. Morse High School, 6905 Skyline Drive. Lelia Morse, granddaughter of the inventor of the Morse code and the telegraph came here from Hollywood and...
10 more things you can do on your personal website
James‘ List of 100 things you can do on your personal website is super-duper terrific. He asked for more things! I’ve been website-doing for 28 years. I ideas! Create a unique header image or banner for your website. And plan on making another banner in the future, if you save the headers by date you...
Today marks 23 Years Blogging
I started blogging 23 years ago today, with this post. What’s different from then to now? My mother is no longer alive. I’m not married, I’m divorced. Twice since then. Much happier. I’m more likely to admit to being a artist than I was then. I am not ashamed to collect toy robots. I swim...