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Terrific Article: Microsoft/Yahoo
Excellent rundown of what the scenarios are for a Yahoo/Microsoft. I’m not as expert at understanding financial issues as some others, but I feel like this made me smarter — If Microsoft goes fully hostile on Yahoo by Marc Andreessen. I often see job opportunities for working at Yahoo — contracting positions at various facilities...
.NET, Miguel de Icaza
A few weeks ago Miguel de Icaza, the firebrand behing Mono, the open source implementation of Dot Net, posted a bit about the punditry about Microsoft’s decision to allow folks to look at the code behind Dot Net. Not exactly open sourcing it. Got that, he was talking about those talking about it: A Journey...
San Jose
Sassy’s post The Way, about Microsofttm‘s hokiness got me singing San Jose (The Way) (The Frankie Goes To Hollywood version). So of course I had to grab it via iTunes. Totally worth 99 cents. I’ve never done Karaoke. But I bet I could do that song. (Aside: only part of posting this is procrastination).
More Lindows
I love how Microsoft sounds desperate in this news item: Microsoft Still Trying to Stop Windows. And hey kids, have you read my analysis of the pitch yet? Well you should.
Geek Out Brain Dump!
I’ve been collecting URLs as usual. And it’s gotten ahead of me. Time to release these into the wild. Great tutorials on Apache and OSX from O’Reilly: Apache Web Serving with MacOS X; and an overview of Open Source Databases, from Apple. Something on Cold Fusion: DeDup was a cold fusion function I found useful...
Quoted in San Diego Daily Transcript; Note on Being a Resource says ruling is first win in Microsoft battle (archived lynx dump), a story from the SDDT, includes a quote from my article on Lindows. To any reporters reading this: I’m happy to be a resource on stories, just drop me a line. I also know a great deal of technical San Diego folks, and...
Nervous Energy Galore: document.getElementById
In a fit of nervous energy, I made a new lab item: modify the box! a dhtml experiment. Useless, but an excellent exercise. I sat down and wrote this in about an hour and a half. I definitely am feeling better about my confidence with dynamic html – which is where client-side scripting ( commonly...
Cookie Monster:
Seems like several times in the past few weeks I’ve seen questions on web405 and websandiego about the rules for cookie and cookie origin — and how those were pretty much plugged holes. Well, The most modern and current versions of Windows IE 5.5 and 6 apparently are taking us back a few years when...
Re: Apple Hype
It’s a new iMac. Small and nifty. [ via macintouch ] The actual announcement will be in a few hours. I’m an Apple fan, have been since Amiga went down the tubes, and I always enjoy the Apple Hype. They do well for themselves making creative products and working the hype even better than Microsoft....
Whither WaSP?
Do I have the the earliest mention of the Web Standards Project on usenet? I ask only because the Google usenet archive is current news right now. And another piece of current news is that the Web Standards Project is going on hiatus. I think WSP pushed for good things from Netscape and Microsoft. I...